Gió se se lạnh hẳn thu về
Mây hạ bàng hoàng ngắm mải mê
Phiến lá trở mình tô sắc thắm
Vàng lên lối mộng thuở vai kề
Ơi người hỏi nhỏ một câu này
Thu đã về đây đã ở đây
Biền biệt phương nao rằng có biết
Hỏi rồi má đỏ thẹn hây hây
Trăm nghìn đêm xuống lại chiêm bao
Văng vẳng hình như tiếng ngọt ngào
Trót gửi hồn mình vào với mộng
Say rồi thu hỡi biết làm sao
Kim Phượng
Coming Autumn
by Kim Phượng
The winds are getting chilly signifying that autumn is arriving certainly
As summer clouds are absorbingly admiring its coming so dazedly
Leaves are turning their bodies as if displaying their resplendent beauty
Shining the golden roads of the time of shoulders together were we to be
Hey, mate, let me ask you a little sentence quietly
That autumn has come back to stay here already
You are so distantly far away, would you know, dear
That having asked you, my cheeks have embarrassingly turned rosy here
Then hundreds of thousands of nights would be full of dreams
As there would be lightly echoing sounds of something sweet, it seems
And as I have mistakenly sent my soul to dreams that are so dreamy
O Autumn, what can I do now as I have been drunken so deeply
Translated from Vietnamese into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
on 06 April, 2022, in British Columbia, Canada
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